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最佳回答2022-10-21 07:18:35


祝你好运的英文是:Good luck.例句:1、Goodluck!Ihopeyouareright.翻译:祝你好运!我希望你是对的。2、Thankyouandgoodlucktousall.翻译:谢谢你祝你好运了我们所有人。

luck 读音:英 [lʌk] 美 [lʌk] n.运气;;好运;机遇;命运vi.交好运,走运;侥幸成功第三人称单数: lucks ;现在分词: lucking; 过去式: lucked例句:1、Careanddiligencebringluck.翻译:仔细和勤奋才力抓住机遇。

2、Goodluckintheentranceexamination-we'llallbehopingforyou!翻译:愿你在入学考试中交好运&我们都在祝福你。3、Don'texpecttoluckthroughwithoutaneffort.翻译:别指望不经努力就能侥幸成功。扩展资料一、luck相关习语:1、any luck? (询问是否成功)运气怎么样2、as luck would have it 碰巧;偶然;幸而;不巧3、bad, hard, etc. luck (on sb)(表示同情)运气不佳,不幸4、be down on your luck 因一时不走运而没有钱;穷困潦倒5、better luck next time (鼓励未成功的人)祝下次好运6、for luck 图个吉利;为了带来好运7、good luck to sb(与己无关而不介意某人的所为)祝某人成功,祝某人走运8、tough luck(表示同情)倒霉,不走运二、luck的同义词是:chance 、coincidence、 accident同义词用法辨析:1、luck 指机遇、命运、运气。例句:This ring has always brought me good luck.翻译:这戒指总是给我带来好运。

2、chance 指偶然、碰巧、意外。例句:The results could simply be due to chance.翻译:这结果可能纯属意外。3、coincidence 指出人意料的巧合、巧事:They met through a series of strange coincidences.翻译:他们因一连串奇妙的巧合而相遇。

4、accident 指意外、偶然的事:Their early arrival was just an accident.翻译:他们早到仅仅是偶然而已。


1、Fingers crossed.祈求好运。这个表达常被用来为自己和他人祈求好运。

2、Best of luck.祝你好运。

这是口语会话中常用的句子,在稍微正式一点的场合中可以说:“I wish you the best of luck.”,它和“Best of luck.”的意思是一样的。3、Break a leg!祝表演成功!这个句子的字面意思是“摔断腿”,它实际用来祝人们好运,特别是在上台演出之前。4、Knock ’em dead!:去让他们刮目相看吧,这个句子可用于表演开始前祝福演员、音乐家等演出成功。在日常对话中,它可用于告诉某人要“干得漂亮点!”。

这里,“’em”是人称代词“them”的缩写形式,代指“观众、听众”。5、Blow them away:让他们为你倾倒吧,这句话用到了表达“blow somebody away”,意思是“让……为之倾倒”。人们常在演出开始之前,用“Blow them away.”这句话来祝福将要上台表演的人一切顺利。

扩展资料:祝你好运的反义词组:1、go through a bad/difficult/rough/sticky patch:经历困难时期/倒霉时期。《摩登家庭》里有一句话:I'm sorry. I went through a bad patch there, when I was trying to find the right balance with my Meds.很抱歉,那是我的人生低谷,吃药吃的有点多。2、Just my luck:真倒霉。

英语单词luck所表达的意思是“运气”。所以看到It was just my luck.很容易就会理解为“那是我的运气”。但实际上它正确的意思为“我一向的坏运气,霉运”。

3、It's not my/his...day.表示“今天真不吉利”。如:It's just not my day: the car wouldn't start; I was late for the meeting, and to crown it all I sprained my ankle.我今天真不顺当,先是车打不着火,接着会议迟到,更糟的是把脚崴了。


good luck 英[ɡud lʌk]  美[ɡʊd lʌk]  释义:祝你好运英英释义Noun:1、an auspicious state resulting from favorable outcomes2、a stroke of luck3、an unexpected piece of good luck;例句1、David and Sheila wish each other good luck.大卫和希拉互祝好运。扩展资料:近义词的用法luckiness 英['lʌkɪnɪs]  美['lʌkɪnɪs]  释义:n.幸运;好运例句用作名词(n.)1、And the family of Four enjoyed plentiful fortunateness and luckiness.一家四口尽享着幸福与幸运。

2、First, before the festival, our family will make the rooms clean and tidy.We buy some plants to decorate the house, such as kumquat trees which mean luckiness.首先,在春节来临之前,全家人就要整理房间,把每一个房间都布置得干净整洁,我们还要买一些植物来装扮房间,像金橘树这种意味着幸运的树木啦。


听说你要去挖宝,我在这儿祝你好运了。下面我为大家带来祝你好运的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习! 祝你好运的英语意思 wish you good luck 祝你好运的相关英语例句 1. Good luck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it. 好运就是当机会来临时,你早已做好了准备。

2. He does deserve some good luck after so much wretchedness. 经过这么多苦难之后,他应该行点好运了。

3. Was he born to be successful, or did he just luck out? 是他命中注定会成功,还是仅仅交了好运? 4. He kissed her on the cheek. "Best of luck!" 他吻了吻她的脸颊。“祝你好运!” 5. When fortune smiled on him, he made the most of it. 当好运来临时,他充分把握住了。 6. Good fortune will follow you, both in this world and the next. 无论今世还是来生,好运都会伴随你。 7. Their luck had simply run out. Still, never fear. 他们的好运已经到头了。

不过,别担心。 8. He has good looks and charm, and always falls on his feet. 他长得很帅,也有魅力,总是走好运。 9. The words "Good Luck" were flashing on the screen. “祝您好运”几个字出现在屏幕上。

10. I was expressing some amazement and wonder at her good fortune. 我对她的好运既惊奇又感叹。 11. She's never even been to the doctor's, touch wood. 她从未看过病,希望她一直好运。 12. "Goodbye, then, and thanks. Good luck."— 'The same to you.' “那么,再见,谢谢。

”——“也祝你好运。” 13. You never know, I might get lucky. 很难说,我也许会交好运呢。

14. Good luck, we'll be rooting for you. 祝你好运,我们会支持你的。 15. The Scottish Tories' run of luck is holding. 苏格兰保守党人一直好运连连。 祝你好运的英文例句 希望这个符咒会给你带来好运。 I hope this charm will bring you luck. 他也祝她交好运。

He reciprocated by wishing her good luck. 他们假若能继续交好运,还能获得冠军。 If their luck holds, they could still win the championship. 我只能希望我们有好运气。 I cannot but hope that we may have good luck. 他们羡慕他的好运气。 They envy him his good fortune. 祝你下一次好运。

Better luck next time. 做事只要有耐心,到头总会有好运;耐心候好运,好运常会来。 Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience to wait for her. 他们传递一张好运卡让每个人签名。 They circulated a good luck card for everyone to sign. 那时候你还不知道马上就要交好运吧? You had no idea of your impending good fortune in those times? 祝你好运的双语例句 他把他获得的名望归因于好运。 He owed his fame to good fortune. 只要能交上一点好运,他们就能在这笔交易中获利。

With any luck,they might make on the deal. 这是她好运中的一次意外的挫折。 It is an unexpected setback in her fortunes. 祝我们好运! Wish us luck! 但是我们必须认识到,有些人是永远比你好运的。 But realize, there will be some people luckier than you. 对于那些顽固地要求比我认为市场能承受的更高的价码的卖主,我会说上一句:“祝您好运”。

And for those who stubbornly suggest pricing above what I believe the market will bear, I say'best of luck to you. “下一次,好运不会站在他们一边”。 Next time they will not have luck on their side. 谨慎和勤奋带来好运。 Care and diligence bring luck. 希望他们好运。

Wish them luck. 假如你想用它做文字处理,也祝你好运。 If you want to do word processing on it, good luck. 如果你这周末想在伦敦找一间旅馆,祝你好运。 If you want a hotel in London this weekend, good luck. 有些情况下,你们应该做出相信自己的选择和相信自己的好运,或者这是唯一的正确道路。


祝你好运英文意思是:Good luck英文也可以读作:Good luckgood luck英 [ɡud lʌk] 美 [ɡʊd lʌk] 祝您好运;大吉大利;鸿运;顺风good英 [gʊd] 美 [ɡʊd] adj.好的;优秀的;有益的;漂亮的,健全的n.好处,利益;善良;善行;好人adv.同well复数: goods 比较级: better 最高级: bestluck英 [lʌk] 美 [lʌk] n.运气;好运;机遇;命运vi.交好运,走运;侥幸成功第三人称单数: lucks 现在分词: lucking 过去式: lucked


祝你好运[zhù nǐ hǎo yùn]wish you good luck;mud in your eye双语例句1祝你好运,我们会支持你的。Good luck, we'll be rooting for you. 2祝你好运!我希望你是对的。






