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最佳回答2022-10-21 09:37:36


一、读音:英[ʃɔːts]美[ʃɔːrts]二、意思是:短裤三、词汇搭配:brownshorts粗米糠,粗麦麸...;shortshorts贴身短裤twisttheshorts榨取脂膏;longandshorts尤指古希腊和古拉丁的...四、例句:HewaswearingaT-shirtandshorts.他穿着T恤衫和短裤。扩展资料词汇用法:ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB USES形容词和副词用法1、ADJ-GRADED 短暂的;短促的;短期的If something is short or lasts for a short time, it does not last very long.The announcement was made a short time ago...通告是不久前才宣布的。

2、ADJ-GRADED 似乎过得很快的;短暂的If you talk about a short hour, day, or year, you mean that it seems to have passed very quickly or will seem to pass very quickly.For a few short weeks there was peace...有过短短几周的和平。

3、ADJ-GRADED (演讲、信件、书等)短的,简短的A short speech, letter, or book does not have many words or pages in it.They were performing a short extract from Shakespeare's Two Gentlemen of Verona...他们正表演莎士比亚剧作《维洛那二绅士》中的一个片段。


shorts 英[ʃɔ:ts] 复数:shorts 1.(从事运动或天气炎热时穿的)短裤 2.<美>男人的短内裤 3.电影短片 名词 n.1.(从事运动或天气炎热时穿的)短裤 He wears a pair of shorts.他穿着一条短裤。I pulled my shorts on and ran outside.我套上短裤就跑了出去。

I will be needing a new pair of shorts soon.我很快就需要一条新短裤。

She pulled her shorts up and put a T-shirt on.她穿上短裤,套上T恤衫。Our team were wearing blue shorts.我们的队员穿着蓝色短裤。2.<美>男人的短内裤 The doctor told me to strip down to my shorts.医生让我脱得只剩一条短裤。These shorts are too tight for me.这条短裤给我穿太紧了。

3.电影短片 There are a couple of shorts on before the main film.主片开映之前有几部短片。

shorts怎么读音英语 单词shorts怎么读音

1、shorts英[ʃɔːts]美[ʃɔːrts];n.短裤;short的复数。 2、[例句]There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts.血流得太多,渗透了我的平脚短裤。


shorts英[ʃɔːts]美[ʃɔːrts]释义:n. 短裤n. (Shorts)(英)肖茨(人名)例句1.I'm wearing shorts and sandals.我穿了短裤和凉鞋。2.The shorts had blue embroidery over the pockets.这条短裤的口袋上有蓝色刺绣。

3.Women athletes wear cropped tops and tight shorts.女运动员穿着短上衣和紧身短裤。

4.I wear my sun glasses,shorts and T-shirt.我会戴上我的太阳镜,穿上我的短裤和T恤。5.I will wear shorts and sandals.我会穿着短裤和凉鞋。6.I also had to buy a helmet and bike shorts.我也买了安全帽和自行车运动短裤。7.I often wear my shorts and T-shirt.我经常穿我的短裤和T恤衫。

8.She's wearing a shirt,shorts,and shoes.她穿着衬衫,短裤和鞋子。9.So I wore my tennis shorts, a T-shirt,and sneakers.所以我穿了我的网球短裤,T恤衫和运动鞋。10.I often wear my shorts and T-shirt.我经常穿着短裤和T恤。






