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最佳回答2022-10-21 08:17:35








pink[英][pɪŋk][美][pɪŋk]adj.粉红色的; 淡红色的; 略带左翼政治观点的; 与同性恋者有关的; n.粉红色; 典范; 香石竹; 顶点,极度; vt.刺、扎; 打出小孔图案; 戳; 第三人称单数:pinks过去分词:pinked复数:pinks最高级:pinkest现在进行时:pinking比较级:pinker过去式:pinked以上结果来自金山词霸柯林斯高阶英汉词典网络释义短语词组1.COLOUR粉红色;淡红色Pink is the colour between red and white....pink lipstick.粉红色的口红pinkishHer nostrils were pinkish, as though she had a cold.她的鼻孔略带粉红,好像患了感冒似的。pinknessMeat which has been cooked thoroughly shows no traces of pinkness.彻底煮熟的肉不会带有血色。

2.COLOUR(因窘迫、愤怒或剧烈活动而)脸色发红If you go pink, your face turns a slightly redder colour than usual because you are embarrassed or angry, or because you are doing something energetic.语法信息She went pink again as she remembered her mistake.想起自己的错误,她又脸红了。

3.ADJ与同性恋者有关的Pink is used to refer to things relating to or connected with homosexuals.Businesses are now more aware of the importance of the 'pink pound'.现在商家更加意识到同性恋族群消费力、即所谓“粉红英镑”的重要性。4.N-COUNT石竹Pinks are small plants that people grow in their gardens. They have sweet-smelling pink, white, or red flowers.语法信息5.PHRASE非常健康;满面红光;容光焕发If you are in the pink, you are fit, healthy, and happy.语法信息A glass of red wine keeps you in the pink.一杯红酒有益健康。


粉色英文:pink音标:英[pɪŋk] 美[pɪŋk] pink英[pɪŋk] 美[pɪŋk] 比较级:pinker最高级:pinkest第三人称单数:pinks第三人称复数:pinks现在分词:pinking过去分词:pinked过去式:pinkedpink 基本解释形容词:粉红色的; 淡红色的; 略带左翼政治观点的; 与同性恋者有关的名词:粉红色; 典范; 香石竹; 顶点,极度及物动词:刺、扎; 打出小孔图案; 戳pink 相关例句形容词1. She wentpinkwith shame.她羞得满脸微红。及物动词1. The swordsman pinked his opponent in the chest.那位击剑运动员刺中了对手的胸部。

不及物动词1. The girl pinked at the mention of her boyfriend's name.那姑娘听到别人提起她男朋友的名字时脸都红了。

名词1. She was dressed inpink.她穿著粉红色的衣服。2. He is thepinkof diligence.他是勤奋的典范。pink 情景对话时尚A:I’m in big trouble. I need to find something to wear for tonight’s fashion show.我遇到大麻烦了,我要找适合今晚出席时装表演穿的衣服。B:You’re going to a fashion show?你要去时装表演吗?A:Yes. Would you like to come along? I have never seen a fashion show before!是啊。

你要和我一起吗?我还有一张票。B:Really? I’d love to! I’ve never seen a fashion show before!真的吗?我喜欢去!我还从未看过时装表演呢。A:Ok, you can come along, but only if you help me find something trendy to wear. I don’t want to look stupid in front of all those stylish people.好,你和我一块去吧,但是你得帮我找一些时髦的衣服。

我不想在那些时尚的人面前像个傻子一样。B:I don’t think you’ll look stupid. You always look stylish to me.我不认为你会看起来很傻,对我来说,你总是看上去很时髦。A:That’s sweet. Now, what do you think about thispinkand orange striped suit?你真会说话,你认为这套粉色带橙黄色条纹的衣服怎么样?B:Isn’t that a bit too flashy?是不是有点太耀眼了?A:Ok, how about this chocolate brown suit with a yellow tie?那么这件红褐色的外衣配黄色的领带如何?B:That’s Ok, but it remains me a bit of my grandpa.很好,但是它让我想起了我的爷爷。

A:What if I wore this black shirt with the suit?要是我穿这件黑色的衬衣配那套西装怎么样?B:That would look better, but what about the tie?看上去好多了,但是配什么样的领带好呢?A:You’re right. The yellow one isn’t quite right.你说得对,那条黄色的不是很合适。B:How about the brown suit with this T-shirt and no tie?那么,穿棕色的外套配T 恤衫不打领带怎么样?A:That’s perfect. Now, what are you going to wear?太好了,你打算穿什么呀?B:I don’t know. You’re going to have to help me find something to wear now!我不知道。现在你要帮我找合适的衣服穿了。






