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最佳回答2022-10-21 20:41:08


读音:英[ʃelf]  美[ʃelf]  意思:n.架子;搁板;搁板状物n.搁置;闲置例句用作名词 (n.)He poised the glass on the shelf.他把玻璃杯稳稳地放在架子上。There were a lot of books on the shelves along the walls.靠墙的书架上有许多书。

Please lift the box down from the shelf for me.请帮我把这只箱子从搁板上抬下来。

I screwed up the jar and put it back on the shelf.我把罐子拧上盖儿,放回搁架。用作名词 (n.)The plan has been put on a shelf since it's unrealistic.鉴于其非现实性,该计划已被搁置。A retired person should not be made to feel he's on the shelf.不应该让退休的人感到自己是个闲人词语用法n.(名词)shelf的基本意思表示柜橱、书架等的“搁架,搁板”。shelf的复数形式是shelves。

扩展资料:近义词:bank读音:英[bæŋk]  美[bæŋk]  意思:n.银行;岸;筹码;库;田埂;堤;积云;一系列;一组;一排;一团;用于循环再利用的废旧物品回收站v.把钱存入银行;开户;筑堤防护;堆积例句用作名词 (n.)He has a large deposit in the bank.他在银行有大笔存款。The town stands on the left bank of the river.城镇位于河的左岸。用作动词 (v.)They like to bank with the Royal Bank.他们喜欢把钱存在皇家银行。

We bank the river during the rainy season.我们在雨季给这条河筑堤。词语用法n.(名词)bank的基本意思是“银行”,引申可作储存东西的“库”。bank也可指河或湖的“岸”“堤”。


the Bank特指英格兰银行。v.(动词)bank用作名词时意思是“银行”,转化为动词作“把(钱)存入银行”“堆积”解,可用作及物动词或不及物动词。bank常与on连用,用于比喻作“寄希望于某人或某事”解。bank在指河的两岸时,向下游看,在右边的为rightbank,左边的为leftbank,如若黄河从西向东流,右边的南岸为rightbank,而左边的北岸为leftbank;一般来说,岸是用来形容河的,不适用在湖上(分不清楚哪两个岸),但习惯上还是用复数形式的banks来描述湖;按字面上来说,讲河的一边岸时,用on one of thebanks of the river或on abankof the river,但人们习惯上用on thebank(s) of the river。


shelf[英][ʃelf] [美][ʃɛlf] 生词本简明释义n.架子,搁板;棚;沙洲,暗礁;格,层复数:shelves以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-COUNT(固定在墙上或橱柜上的)架子,搁板A shelf is a flat piece of wood, metal, or glass which is attached to a wall or to the sides of a cupboard. Shelves are used for keeping things on.He took a book from the shelf.他从书架上拿了一本书。

shelf 这个怎么读

shelf编辑英[ʃelf]美[ʃelf]n.[C]1.(柜橱、书架等的)搁架,搁板2.搁板状物;(尤指)悬崖等上突出的岩石,大陆架n.[C] 1.(柜橱、书架等的)搁架,搁板 2.搁板状物;(尤指)悬崖等上突出的岩石,大陆架复 数:shelves名 词:shelf'ful'同反义词同: [n.] ledge 参考例句He reached down the atlas from the top shelf他从书架顶层取下地图集。I had a browse through the books on the shelf.我浏览了一遍书架上的书。

A relict fauna and anomalously coarse grains are common in the upper few feet of some shelf sands残余化石和异常粗的颗粒,通常出现于某些陆棚砂上部的几英尺内。

And it occupies only a narrow two centimetres of an 18-centimetre deep shelf.而且它在18厘米深的书架上仅占狭窄的两厘米的宽度。As shelf after shelf of made in China cuddly toys attest, Chinese exports are hardly uncommon in the U.S.看看无数“中国制造”的玩具就知道,出口到美国的中国产品并不算少。

shelf怎么读音 英语shelf怎么读音

1、shelf英[ʃelf]美[ʃelf],n.架子; 陆架; (固定在墙上的或橱柜、书架等的)搁板; (悬崖上或海底)突出的岩石; 陆棚。 2、[例句]The shelf is about a metre long ─ well, 98cm, to be precise.架子长约一米。







