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英 [kəd] 美 [kʊd] aux. “can”的过去式;能够,打算;用于假设语气的条件句;用于虚拟语气的结论句 网 络 能; 可以; 可能; 会 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 Could is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. Could is sometimes considered to be the past form of can, but in this dictionary the two words are dealt with separately. could 为情态动词,与动词原形连用。could 有时被视为 can 的过去式,但本词典对这两个词条分别列词解释。

1. MODAL 情态动词能;会 You use could to indicate that someone had the ability to do something. You use could not or couldn't to say that someone was unable to do something. →see usage note at: can For my return journey, I felt I could afford the extra and travel first class... 至于回程,我觉得我能多花点钱坐头等舱。

I could see that something was terribly wrong... 我能觉察到有什么事很不对头。He could not resist telling her the truth... 他忍不住把实情告诉了她。When I left school at 16, I couldn't read or write... 我16岁退学的时候既不识字也不会写字。There was no way she could have coped with a baby around. 身边带着一个孩子,她不可能应付得过来。

2. MODAL 情态动词可能会;有时会 You use could to indicate that something sometimes happened. Though he had a temper and could be nasty, it never lasted... 虽然他爱发脾气,而且有时还很讨厌,但向来都只是一阵儿。He could be very pleasant when he wanted to. 他想要友好的时候会非常友好。3. MODAL 情态动词本能够,本可以(表示某事本有可能发生但却并未发生) You use could have to indicate that something was a possibility in the past, although it did not actually happen. He could have made a fortune as a lawyer... 他本可以当律师挣大钱的。

You could have been killed!... 你差点儿就没命了!He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently. 他并不后悔说了自己所做的事,但觉得本可以换一种方式表达。4. MODAL 情态动词(表示某事可能属实或可能发生)可能 You use could to indicate that something is possibly true, or that it may possibly happen. Doctors told him the disease could have been caused by years of working in smokey clubs... 医生们告诉他这种疾病可能是由于多年在烟雾缭绕的俱乐部工作所致。An improvement in living standards could be years away... 可能多年之后生活水平才能得到提高。

He was jailed in February 1992 and could be released next year. 他于1992年2月入狱,可能明年获释。5. MODAL 情态动词(表示某事不属实)不可能 You use could not or couldn't to indicate that it is not possible that something is true. They argued all the time and thought it couldn't be good for the baby... 他们一直在争论,认为这对孩子肯定不好。Anne couldn't be expected to understand the situation... 别指望安妮能弄明白当前情势。

He couldn't have been more than fourteen years old. 他不可能超过14岁。6. MODAL 情态动词(表示可能性、能力或机会)可能 You use could to talk about a possibility, ability, or opportunity that depends on other conditions. Their hope was that a new and better East Germany could be born... 他们希望能够诞生一个崭新的、更加美好的东德。I knew that if I spoke to Myra, I could get her to call my father. 我知道如果我同迈拉讲一声,就能让她给我父亲打电话。7. MODAL 情态动词好像;仿佛 You use could when you are saying that one thing or situation resembles another. The charming characters she draws look like they could have walked out of the 1920s. 她画的那些优雅迷人的人物就好像是从20世纪30年代走出来的一样。

8. MODAL 情态动词(表示提议或建议)可以 You use could, or couldn't in questions, when you are making offers and suggestions. I could call the local doctor... 我可以给当地医生打电话。We need money right? We could go around and ask if people need odd jobs done or something... 咱们需要钱,对不对?咱们可以去周围打听一下看有没有人要找人做零工什么的。'It's boring to walk all alone.' — 'Couldn't you go for walks with your friends?'... “一个人走路很没意思。”——“你可以和朋友们一起去散步呀?”You could look for a career abroad where environmental jobs are better paid and more secure... 你可以在国外找一份工作,那里与环境相关的工作报酬更高,也更稳定。

It would be a good idea if you could do this exercise twice or three times on separate days. 如果你能将此练习隔几天做上两三次就好了。9. MODAL 情态动词(用于礼貌地提出请求或征得许可。当说话者意识到可能被拒绝时,可以用 couldn't 代替 could)能,可以 You use could in questions when you are making a polite request or asking for permission to do something. Speakers sometimes use couldn't instead of 'could' to show that they realize that their request may be refused. 【语用信息】:politenessCould I stay tonight?... 我今晚可以留下吗?Could I speak to you in private a moment, John?... 约翰,我可以单独跟你说一会儿话吗?I wonder if some time I could have a word with you... 我在想可不可以找个时间跟你谈一谈?Sir, could you please come to the commanding officer's office?... 长官,请您到指挥官的办公室来一下好吗?Could we go outside just for a second?... 我们出去呆一小会儿行吗?He asked if he could have a cup of coffee... 他问能否给他来杯咖啡。Couldn't I watch you do it? 让我看着你做行吗?10. MODAL 情态动词(用以礼貌地打断某人或引出将要说的话)请允许我 People sometimes use structures with if I could or could I as polite ways of interrupting someone or of introducing what they are going to say next. 【语用信息】:politeness【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语Well, if I could just interject... 嗯,请允许我插一句。

Could I stop you there?... 我能打断您一下吗?Could I ask you if there have been any further problems?... 我想请问您一下,是否还出了什么其他的问题?First of all, could I begin with an apology for a mistake I made last week? 首先,请允许我为上周犯下的错误道歉。11. MODAL 情态动词(用以强调某人应该做所提及的事情,尤用于当说话者因为其没做该事而生气时) You use could to say emphatically that someone ought to do the thing mentioned, especially when you are annoyed because they have not done it. You use why couldn't in questions to express your surprise or annoyance that someone has not done something. 【语用信息】:emphasisWe've come to see you, so you could at least stand and greet us properly... 我们都来看你了,你至少应该起身得体地打个招呼。Idiot! You could have told me!... 蠢货!你本应该告诉我!He could have written... 他本应该写信。

Why couldn't she have said something?... 为什么她什么都没说?But why couldn't he tell me straight out? 可是他为什么不直截了当地告诉我?12. MODAL 情态动词(表示想要做某事的强烈感情) You use could when you are expressing strong feelings about something by saying that you feel as if you want to do the thing mentioned, although you do not do it. 【语用信息】:emphasisI could kill you! I swear I could!... 我想杀了你!我发誓我真想杀了你!'Welcome back' was all they said. I could have kissed them!... 他们只是说,“欢迎回来。”我真想亲他们一下!She could have screamed with tension. 她紧张得差点叫起来。13. MODAL 情态动词(用在if后以谈论没有能力或机会做但为考虑可能的结果而设想去做的事) You use could after 'if' when talking about something that you do not have the ability or opportunity to do, but which you are imagining in order to consider what the likely consequences might be. If I could afford it I'd have four television sets... 假如能买得起,我就会有4台电视机。

If only I could get some sleep, I would be able to cope. 要是能睡上一会儿,我就能应付了。14. MODAL 情态动词(与比较级连用,强调某物或某人具备某种特征的程度)太…,再…不过 You use could not or couldn't with comparatives to emphasize that someone or something has as much as is possible of a particular quality. For example, if you say 'I couldn't be happier', you mean that you are extremely happy. 【语用信息】:emphasisThe rest of the players are a great bunch of lads and I couldn't be happier... 剩下的选手是一帮很棒的小伙子,我太高兴了。Darling Neville, I couldn't be more pleased for you... 亲爱的内维尔,我真太为你高兴了。The news couldn't have come at a better time. 那消息来得正是时候。

15. MODAL 情态动词怎么会(用在疑问句中强调对所发生的不愉快之事的感受) In speech, you use how could in questions to emphasize that you feel strongly about something bad that has happened. 【语用信息】:emphasisHow could you allow him to do something like that?... 你怎么会允许他做那样的事?How could I have been so stupid?... 我怎么会那么蠢?How could she do this to me?... 她怎么能这样对我?How could you have lied to us all these years? 你竟然骗了我们所有人这么多年!16. CONVENTION 惯用语不用了(谢绝更多的食物或饮品) You say 'I couldn't' to refuse an offer of more food or drink. 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语'More cake?' — 'Oh no, I couldn't.' “再来点蛋糕?”——“哦不,不用了。”17. could do with→see: do; 基本释义 | 习惯用语 v., aux.[can的过去式]1. [常用于从句中](过去、当时)能够, 得以2. [用于虚拟语气中, 表示相反的假设]能, 本来可以3. [表示可能性]能, 可能, 可以4. [用于委婉语气]能, 可以We could see the oil bleeding out from the joint.(那时)我们可以看出油从接缝处渗出。It was so dark that we could see nothing.天太暗了, 我们什么也看不见。

If I could go with you, I should feel very glad.假如我能同你们一起去, 我会感到非常高兴。You could have been more considerate.你本来可以更慎重些。If you tried, you could do the work better.如果你试试的话, 准能把那项工作干得更好。


英 [kəd; kʊd]释义:aux 能够, 可以;可能;差点就,本来有可能;很想v 能(can 的过去式)短语:I could be ordinary 我可以是平凡的 ; 我可以是最平凡的存在 ; 我很平凡 ; 我是平凡扩展资料:重点词汇用法:couldaux (助动词)1、could为助动词can的过去式,其后可接不带to的动词不定式。2、could有两种否定形式,即couldnot和could not,其缩写形式为couldn't。

这两种否定形式英美均通用,当使用could not时,特别强调not。



could意思:1、aux. 能够2、v. 能(can的过去式)读法:英 [kəd; kʊd] 美 [kəd; kʊd]could modal可以could like倾斜例句:1、No one could phony a list like that.没有人能够假造像这样的一份清单。2、She positioned herself just by the window so she could see what was going on outside.她在紧靠窗户的地方找了个位置,以便能看见外面的情况。


could英 [kəd; kʊd] 美 [kəd,kʊd]aux. 能够, 可以;可能;差点就,本来有可能;很想v. 能(can 的过去式)短语Could break 早已破碎 ; 再度 ; 可以毁掉 ; 我的心完全破碎Could there 莫不是Could be 可能是 ; 可能的 ; 可以是例句:I could see that something was terribly wrong.我能看出有很大麻烦了。扩展资料:近义词:can英 [kæn] 美 [kæn]aux. 能;能够;有机会;可能;被允许n. 圆柱形金属容器;罐头;一听所装的(食物或饮料)量;酒瓶;喷罐;监狱;卫生间;臀部;驱逐舰;破坏者v. 把(食物)装罐保存;(非正式)解雇;拒绝接受n. (Can) (美)卡恩(人名)短语tin can 罐头 ; 马口铁罐头 ; 锡罐 ; 锡杯aluminum can 铝罐 ; 铝包壳Can think 能想例句:Tickets can be purchased at the Madstone Theatre box office.票可在麦德斯通剧院售票处买到。






