
首页 > 百科 > "你怎么了"用英语怎么说


最佳回答2022-10-24 17:31:20


"你怎么了"的英语是:What's wrong with you。"你怎么了"用英语还可以表达为:1、What is wrong with you;2、Is that what you got;3、What happened to you;4、What'sthematterwithyou。

在“What's wrong with you”中:“What's wrong”表示:怎么了;“you”表示:你。

连起来便是“你怎么了”的意思。扩展资料“What’s wrong with you?”表示:“你怎么了?你怎么回事?”时是情绪带有震惊、谴责性质的。"What's wrong"里包含了一些"出问题"的意思。这句话可以用在当你看到朋友做了一些不可思议的事情时,表达一种惊叹。


你怎么了的英语三种方法表达方式:1、what's wrong with you ?2、what's the matter with you ?3、what's the trouble with you ?拓展资料what's wrong with you1、What's wrong with you is that you think you can get something for nothing.你的问题是你认为自己可以不劳而获。2、You look rather pale. What's wrong with you?--No matter. Just got a cold.你脸色苍白,病了吗?--没什么,有点感冒。

3、Hi, buddy. what's wrong with you?嘿,哥们儿,你怎么了?4、What's wrong with you? Are you drunk?你怎么了,喝多了?5、What's wrong with you lately? Something wrong?最近你怎么了?有什么岔子了?what's the matter with you1、What's the matter with you?--Just a bit of a headache; nothing serious.你怎么了?--没啥,有点头疼。

2、'What's the matter with you, Simon?' Curly said. 'Can't you take a joke?'“西蒙,你怎么回事?”柯利说。“你难道开不起玩笑么?”3、What's the matter with you? you're acting like you struck gold.你怎么啦?你的表现好像发了财。4、What's the matter with you lately?你最近是怎么了?5、What's the matter with you?你怎么了?我背疼。


可以用What happened to you ; What's come over you ; What's the matter with you ; What's wrong with you;What did you do等。双语例句:1、你怎么了?--没啥,有点头疼。


“你怎么了”用英语表达是:What's wrong with you?相近意思的表达还有:1、What happened to you?2、What's come over you ?3、What's the matter with you?相关短语:1、你的电视怎么了What's wrog with your TV?2、我说你怎么了I said how could you ; I said how do you ;3、你怎么了亲爱的How do you the dear?相关句子:1、亲爱的,你怎么了?Sweetie,what happened toyou?2、你怎么了,父亲,你不舒服吗?Butwhatailsyou,father? Areyounotwell?3、亨利,亨利,你怎么了?Henry?Henry,are youokay?4、当然可以。


你怎么了的英文表达:1、What happened to you2、What's wrong with you词汇解析:1、What happened to you英文发音:[wɒt ˈhæpənd tu ju]中文释义:你怎么了例句:What happened to you? Were you sick?你怎么了?不舒服吗?2、What's wrong with you英文发音:[wɒt ˈrɒŋwɪð ju]中文释义:你怎么了例句:What's wrong with you? Are you drunk?你怎么了,喝多了?扩展资料词汇解析:1、happened英文发音:[ˈhæpənd]中文释义:v.(尤指偶然)发生,出现;(作为结果)出现,发生;碰巧;恰好happen的过去分词和过去式例句:'What happened!' I exploded“怎么了!”我发怒了。2、wrong英文发音:[rɒŋ]中文释义:adj.错误的;不对的;不正确的;出错;搞错;有错误;引起问题(或麻烦);有毛病;不正常例句:Pain is the body's way of telling us that something is wrong疼痛是身体在告诉我们有地方出问题了。


你怎么了?(以下几种皆可)1、What happened to you ?2、 What's come over you ?3、What's the matter with you ?4、 What's wrong with you?【双语例句】1、你怎么了?--没啥,有点头疼。






