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最佳回答2022-10-26 09:34:55


餐厅英语发音:restaurant一、词汇解析restaurant英[ˈrestrɒnt]美[ˈrestrɑːnt,ˈrestərɑːnt]n. 餐馆;饭店;餐厅例:They ate in an Italian restaurant in Forth Street.他们在福斯大街的一家意大利餐馆吃了饭。例:Itspoorservicegavetherestaurantabadname.这家餐馆的服务差,名声很坏。


在营业时间上,可指那些有一定的营业时间,专门供应早、中、晚餐的饭店,也可指那些昼夜开门,随时可以就餐的场所。三、关于restaurant的短语1、chinese restaurant中餐厅;中餐馆2、fast food restaurant速食店3、thai restaurant泰式餐厅;泰国菜馆4、fast-food restaurant快餐店,速食店5、restaurant manager饭店经理扩展资料近义词1、canteen英[kænˈtiːn]美[kænˈtiːn]n. 食堂,小卖部;水壶例:Rennie had eaten his supper in the canteen.伦尼已在食堂吃过晚饭。2、cafeteria英[ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə]美[ˌkæfəˈtɪriə]n. 自助餐厅; 小餐厅;快餐厅例:Wewalked backaround thecafeteria,tothe southbuildingsbythegym.我们往回走,绕过自助餐厅,走到南边体育馆旁的建筑物那里。


"餐厅"的英文是:dining-hall读音:英['daɪnɪŋh'ɔːl] 美['daɪnɪŋh'ɔːl]相关例句:1、The ship's passengers are in the dining saloon.船上的旅客在餐厅就餐。2、This is my first time to eat in your dining hall.这是我第一次在你们的餐厅用餐。

3、The buildingbeingbuiltwill beservedasourdining-hall.正在修建的这座房子将作我们的餐厅。

4、Thereisalargedining-hallandmanybedroomsin it .公寓里面有个一个大的餐厅和许多的卧室。扩展资料:相近词义单词dining room读音:英['daɪnɪŋ ruːm] 美['daɪnɪŋ ruːm]意思:n.餐厅例句:1、Their dining room is very spacious.他们的餐厅很宽敞。2、Meals are taken communally in thedining room.在餐厅里集体进餐。



餐厅的英语说法1: restaurant 餐厅的英语说法2: dining room 餐厅的英语说法3: dining-hall 餐厅的相关 短语 : 自助餐厅 cafeteria ; Buffet ; buffet restaurant 餐厅家具 Dining room furniture ; Restaurant Furniture 餐厅领班 headwaiter ; Captain ; Restaurant Captain ; Team Leader 电车餐厅 Colonial Tramcar Restaurant ; Tram Restaurant ; Tramcar Restaurant 莲花餐厅 Cafe Lotus ; Cecure Lotus ;Lotus Restaurant 日落餐厅 Sunset Restaurant 餐厅的英语例句: 1. I got a bottle of my best malt out of the sideboard. 我从餐具柜里取出一瓶自己 收藏 的最好的麦芽威士忌。

2. I bet you make breakfast and wash up their plates, too. 我肯定是你做的早餐并且清洗了他们的餐具。 3. He moved all the caked and crusted dishes into the kitchen. 他把所有长期没洗的餐具都拿到厨房。 4. She dusted, she cleaned, and she did the washing-up. 她擦掉灰尘,打扫卫生,还清洗了餐具。 5. No need for you to start on the washing-up yet. 你没有必要现在就开始洗餐具。

6. Tables are set with white china and gold-banded silver cutlery. 桌上摆放着白色瓷器和镶着金边的银制餐具。 7. Their range of tableware is decorated with a blackberry design. 他们的整套餐具上都饰有黑莓图案。 8. Tania cooked, served, and cleared away. 塔妮娅做饭,上菜,还收拾了餐具。

9. Martha volunteered to do the washing-up. 玛莎主动提出去洗餐具。 10. I ran some hot water and washed up. 我放了一些热水把餐具洗了。 11. A seven-piece place setting costs about £45. 一套7头餐具要花45英镑。

12. After breakfast they played while I cleared up. 早饭后,他们玩耍,我收拾餐具。 13. We had no fridge, cooker, cutlery or crockery. 我们没有冰箱、炊具、刀具或餐具。 14. Tableware for outdoor use should ideally be unbreakable. 室外用的餐具最好是打不破的。

15. The butler always laid the table. 每次都是男管家把餐具摆好。


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