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最佳回答2022-10-20 21:42:17


both英 [bəuθ] 美 [boθ] adj. 二者,两者都 pron. 二者 adv. 二者,二者都 conj. 不仅…而且…,…和…都 都; 两; 既; 两个 限定词两个;两个都 You use both when you are referring to two people or things and saying that something is true about each of them. She cried out in fear and flung both arms up to protect her face... 她吓得大叫,并且抡起双臂护住了自己的脸。Put both vegetables into a bowl and crush with a potato masher. 把这两样蔬菜都放进一个碗里,然后用捣土豆器把它们捣碎。

Both is also a quantifier. Both of these women have strong memories of the Vietnam War... 这两位妇女都对越南战争记忆深刻。

We're going to Andreas's Boutique to pick out something original for both of us. 我们要去安德烈亚斯礼品店为我们俩挑选一些新奇玩意儿。Both is also a pronoun. Miss Brown and her friend, both from Stoke, were arrested on the 8th of June... 布朗小姐和她的朋友于6月8日被逮捕,她们两人都来自斯托克。Will there be public-works programmes, or community service, or both? 将会实施公共工程项目还是社区服务项目,还是二者都有?Both is also an emphasizing pronoun. He visited the Institute of Neurology in Havana where they both worked... 他访问了两人都曾工作过的哈瓦那的神经病学研究所。'Well, I'll leave you both, then,' said Gregory. “好吧,那我就不打扰你们俩了。

”格雷戈里说道。Both is also a predeterminer. Both the band's writers are fascinating lyricists... 乐队的这两位作词人都是非常出色的填词高手。Both the horses were out, tacked up and ready to ride. 两匹马都牵出来装上了马具,可以骑了。

2. 连词不仅…而且…;…和…都;既…又… You use the structure both...and when you are giving two facts or alternatives and emphasizing that each of them is true or possible. Now women work both before and after having their children... 现在妇女在生孩子前后都要去工作。Any such action would have to be approved by both American and Saudi leaders. 任何这样的行动都必须获得美国和沙特领导人双方的批准。1.A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries. 自由贸易协定对两国都会有利。

2. Both sides affirmed their commitment to the ceasefire. 双方均申明答应停火。 3. The tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals. 这次锦标赛业余选手和职业选手均可参加。 4. He had to have both legs amputated. 他不得不锯掉双腿。

5. Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration . 争执双方已同意提请仲裁。




作代词的意思是两者。作连接词意思是不但 ... 而且 ...。短语:1、have it both ways忽左忽右2、burn the candle at both ends非常忙碌3、make the best of both worlds两全其美4、have a foot in both camps脚踏两只船5、swing both ways双性恋的6、cut both ways模棱两可(双方受害...7、butter one's bread on both sides浪费8、be on both sides of the fence两面讨好扩展资料用法1、both用作形容词时,作“两个,俩”解,只用作定语,是前位限定词,常与复数名词连用。2、both用作形容词与定冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、名词所有格等限定词连用时,应置于其前,而不能置于其后。


6、both作同位语时,一般用在助动词、系词之后,实义动词之前; 但为了强调,both也可置于助动词或系词之前,如一个句子中,既有助动词又有系动词时,可用在助动词后,系动词之前。但是不能紧放在代词前。7、both与复数名词连用时,若该名词前有the,these或物主代词,其前用both或bothof均可,当both跟who或人称代词搭配时只能用bothof。

both怎么读 英语both怎么读

1、both英[bəʊθ]美[boʊθ],det./pron.二者都; (与复数名词连用)两个,两个都; 不仅…而且…; …和…都。 2、[例句]Both are the result of social environment.二者都是大环境的产物。


both 发音:英[bəʊθ]、美[boʊθ]。 释义:det. (与复数名词连用) 两个,两个都,不仅…而且…,…和…都。

例句:She cried out in fear and flung both arms up to protect her face.她吓得大叫,并且抡起双臂护住了自己的脸。


音标:英[bəʊθ],美[boʊθ]。词义:adj. 二者,两者都。

pron. 二者。

adv. 二者,二者都。conj.不仅…而且…,…和…都。 扩展资料解释:1、两...(都),两个...(都)。Both his eyes were seriously burned。

他的双眼都严重烧伤了。2、两者(都);两个(都);双方(都)。Why not buy both?为什么不把两件都买下?3、并;又;两者皆。

We like Amy and Phil both。艾米和菲尔两个我们都喜欢。4、既...且...;...和...都。

The prospects both excited and worried me。这前景即使我激动又令我忧虑。参考资料:百度百科-both。






