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最佳回答2022-10-26 08:31:08


工作的英文是work。具体释义如下:work英 [wɜ:k] 美 [wɜ:rk]vt.& vi.使工作;使运作;操作;使产生效果n.工作,操作;著作;工厂;行为,事业vt.使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进work的基本意思是“工作,劳动,作业”,用于泛指时不可数,指具体的一项工作时用不定冠词a修饰。


work作“著作,作品”解时,多用复数形式works。work作“工厂”“机件,内部的机件”“工程,工事”“(善良的)行为,善事”解时,常用复数形式,用作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用作复数形式。扩展资料近义词区分一、work, career, job这组词都有“职业”“事业”的意思。1、career指的是终身事业; 而job和work却指的是人们为谋生而做的工作。

2、job主要指有报酬的工作; 而work可指任何需要做出努力来完成的事。二、work, chore, job, task这四个词都有“工作”的意思。其区别是:1、task是可数名词,一般指分配的工作,也可指自愿承担的工作,尤指较困难、紧张的工作。

例:It takes a lot of work to build a house.盖一幢房子要费很大的工夫。2、work是不可数名词,指工作、劳动、职业、操作、运转等,这个词是一般用语,可用于各种场合。例:He goes to work at eight.他八点钟去上班。

3、 job是可数名词,指一件必须做的工作,或有报酬的工作,也可指职业,多用于口语中。例:I got a job with a firm.我在一家公司找到了工作。4、chore指日常琐事,尤指家庭或农场干的杂务,家务事常用复数形式。


“工作”翻译成英语是:work一、音标:英[wɜːk]美[wɜːrk]二、释义:n. 工作,职业;事情;活计;职责,工作内容;作品,著作;工作成果v. 工作,干活儿;从事体力(或脑力)劳动;从事……工作,在……工作adj. 适合工作时穿戴的;用于工作的;工作的,与工作有关的三、变形:复数 works第三人称单数 works现在分词 working过去式 worked或wrought过去分词 worked或wrought四、短语:work in进入;插进at work在工作;上班work with与…共事;对……有效hard work努力工作;繁重的工作work on影响,对…起作用;继续工作;从事于…五、例句:Theyworkterrificallyfast.他们工作极快。Workis proceedingslowly.工作进展缓慢。



你知道工作的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧! 工作的英文是什么: work 工作的英文是什么: job 工作的英文是什么例句: 1. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining. 你必须全力以赴,最大限度地去努力。如果你这么做,并且保持乐观,你就会看见乌云背后的幸福线。

2. The company I work for went through a rough patch. 我所在的公司经历了一段困难时期。

3. Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success. 事业要成功,才能、勤奋和顽强的意志都至关重要。 4. I spent lots of money on smart new outfits for work. 我花大笔钱购置了上班时穿的漂亮新套装。 5. The price depends on the intricacy of the work. 价格取决于做工的复杂精细度。 6. Mark was condemned to do most of the work. 马克被迫承担大部分工作。

7. The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences. 三方将在下个月会面,以解决余下的分歧。 8. People want to dissect his work and question his motives. 人们想仔细分析他的作品,并对他的动机提出质疑。 9. She went for a brisk walk to work off her frustration. 她快步走了一会儿,以排解心中的沮丧。

10. Only a handful had returned to work in the immediate vicinity. 仅有几个人回到临近地区工作。 11. Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work. 学院的老师们抱怨说他们的学生还很不适应大学的课业。 12. People will work themselves up into a state about anything. 人们总会沉不住气,为任何事感到担忧。

13. These days work plays an important part in a single woman's life. 现在,工作在单身女性的生活中起着重要作用。 14. Children at school receive coloured stars for work well done. 学校里的孩子表现得好会得到彩色星星。 15. There is a wry sense of humour in his work. 他的作品带有一种讽刺意味的幽默。

工作的英文是什么例句: 1. He was hand-picked for this job by the Admiral. 他是由海军上将精心挑选出来担任这项工作的。 2. He was fired from his job after roughing up a colleague. 他因为对一位同事动粗而被开除了。 3. The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job. 公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。 4. The continued bleakness of the American job market was blamed. 美国就业市场的持续低迷被视为罪魁祸首。

5. It's very dispiriting for anyone to be out of a job. 每个人都会对事业很懊丧。 6. The job losses will reduce the total workforce to 7,000. 职位减少后,在职工人总数将减至7,000人。 7. I'm the best man for the job, I hope. 希望我是那份工作的最佳人选。 8. Why not retrain for a job which will make you happier? 为什么不接受新的培训,找一份让你更快乐的工作? 9. The mechanics of the job, however, have changed little since then. 不过,工作流程从那以后就几乎没有任何变化。

10. Despite his lack of experience, he got the job. 他虽然经验不足,但还是获得了这份工作。 11. He brought to the job not just considerable experience but passionate enthusiasm. 他不仅给这一工作带来了不少经验,而且倾注了极大的热情。 12. Thanks to that job I became an avid reader. 多亏了那份工作我才成了一个喜欢阅读的人。 13. The newspaper job had me doing the same thing day after day. 这份报社的工作让我日复一日地做着同样的事。

14. His next job is to get us to the World Cup finals. 他接下来的任务是带领我们闯入世界杯决赛圈。 15. If you kept your nose clean, you had a job for life. 如果你规规矩矩,就可以一辈子都捧着这个饭碗。






