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最佳回答2022-10-26 19:55:53


调查的英语是survey。英 ['sɜːveɪ] 美 ['sɜːrveɪ]    n. 问卷;测量;调查;纵览;视察v. 调查;审视;研究;测量;勘定;环视例句:The surveyor made a survey of the land.翻译:测量员对土地进行了测量。

用法v. (动词)survey的基本意思是指从远处或高处来看远处的人或物,即“眺望,纵览”,也可指对某事进行彻底、深入的观察,或从全局出发对形势进行分析,以求得出结论,作出决策,即“鉴定”“审度”等。

近义词inspect英 [ɪn'spekt] 美 [ɪn'spekt]    v. 检查;视察例句:Police were called out to keep at the airport, and inspect the arriving planes.翻译:警察们被紧急召集起来去守卫机场,并对到达的飞机进行检查。用法v. (动词)1、inspect一般仅指认真观察或察看,用于政治、军事、法律或科技领域,或者指认真检查出现的错误。2、inspect是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。


survey 英[ˈsɜ:veɪ] 美[ˈsɜ:rveɪ] vi. 测量土地; vt. 调查; 勘测; 俯瞰; n. 调查(表),调查所,测量,测量部,测量图; 概观,检查,鉴定书; 环顾; [例句]Business Development Advisers surveyed 211 companies for the report企业发展顾问公司为此报告调查了211家公司。[其他] 第三人称单数:surveys 复数:surveys 现在分词:surveying过去式:surveyed 过去分词:surveyed investigate 英[ɪnˈvestɪgeɪt] 美[ɪnˈvɛstɪˌɡet] vt. 调查; 研究; 审查; vi. 作调查; [例句]Gas officials are investigating the cause of an explosion which badly damaged a house in Hampshire煤气系统的官员正在调查一起瓦斯爆炸的起因,这起事故严重毁坏了汉普郡的一所房屋。

[其他] 第三人称单数:investigates 现在分词:investigating 过去式:investigated过去分词:investigated investigation 英[ɪnˌvestɪˈgeɪʃn] 美[ɪnˌvɛstɪˈɡeʃən] n. 侦查; (正式的) 调查,研究; 科学研究; 学术研究; [例句]We are making a thorough investigation我们正在进行彻底调查。



调查英语说法1: investigate    调查英语说法2: examine    调查英语说法3: survey 调查英语说法4: expedition    调查的相关短语: 市场调查 market research ; Marketing research ; market surveys 调查报导 investigative journalism 社会调查 Recherche en sciences sociales ; Social research ; 巡天调查 Astronomical survey 调查研究 Survey research ; investigation ; survey research ; to make an investigation 调查问卷 Questionnaire ; Unit Four Questionnaires ; survey ; questionnaire survey 在线调查 Online inquiry Inquiry ; Online Survey ; on-line research ; online inquiry 员工调查 Employee surveys ; Employee Survey ; HRSurvey ; A staff survey 调查的英语例句: 1. The enquiry dug deeper into the alleged financial misdeeds of his government. 这一调查对其政府涉嫌的财政违规行为展开了进一步深究。

2. He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday. 他会为昨天公布的电话民意调查结果感到鼓舞。 3. Its own estimate of three hundred tallies with that of another survey. 其估计数目300与另一项调查的结果相吻合。 4. The allegations are serious enough to warrant an investigation. 这些指控很严重,有必要进行一番调查。 5. Police investigating a £10 million car insurance fiddle arrested 16 people yesterday. 调查涉及1,000万英镑的汽车保险诈骗案的警察昨天逮捕了16人。

6. It took internal whistle-blowing and investigative journalism to uncover the rot. 是内部检举和调查性报道揭露了这一腐败事实。 7. Investigators say nearly $100,000 was wired into the suspect's bank accounts. 调查人员说有近10万美元汇入了嫌疑人的银行账户。 8. Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls. 作为一个公共机构,国会在公众民意调查中得分很低。

9. The investigators complained about the difficulties of squeezing information out of residents. 调查人员抱怨说很难从居民身上获取信息。 10. The government ordered an independent inquiry into the affair. 政府下令对该事件进行独立调查。 11. An investigation is underway to find out how the disaster happened. 调查已经展开,以查明灾难是如何发生的。

12. We were asked to investigate the alleged inconsistencies in his evidence. 我们被要求对他证词中的前后矛盾之处进行调查。 13. Inspectors were appointed to inquire into the affairs of the company. 督查员受委派调查该公司的事务。 14. Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one-offs. 我们的调查显示这些过敏多为一次性反应。

15. A survey of 57 hospitals by Newchurch, a consultancy, reveals striking improvements. 一家名为纽彻奇的咨询公司对57家医院所作的调查显示改善十分明显。


调查的英文词组:inquire into、look into一、inquire into英 [inˈkwaiə ˈɪntuː] 美 [ɪnˈkwaɪr ˈɪntu]探讨;调查;推求The mayor set up a committee to inquire into local unemployment.市长成立了一个委员会调查当地的失业问题。To observe or inquire into in detail; examine systematically.调查详细地观察或查询;系统地检查。

二、look into英 [luk ˈɪntuː] 美 [lʊk ˈɪntu]调查;观察;在…里查资料;深入地检查1、We'll look into that right away.这事我们马上就去调查。

2、This committee may want to exercise its discretion to look into those charges这个委员会可能想行使其自行决定权来调查那些指控。扩展资料近义词:investigate、examine一、investigate英 [ɪnˈvestɪgeɪt] 美 [ɪnˈvɛstɪˌɡet]vt.调查;研究;审查vi.作调查We were asked to investigate the alleged inconsistencies in his evidence.我们被要求对他证词中的前后矛盾之处进行调查。二、examine英 [ɪgˈzæmɪn] 美 [ɪɡˈzæmɪn]vt.检查,调查;考试;诊察;审问vi.检查;调查I briefly examine some key RHEL network services in the following sections.我简短地在下列的区段中调查一些主要RHEL网络服务。


survey 英[ˈsɜ:veɪ] 美[ˈsɜ:rveɪ] vi. 测量土地; vt. 调查; 勘测; 俯瞰; n. 调查(表),调查所,测量,测量部,测量图; 概观,检查,鉴定书; 环顾; [例句]Business Development Advisers surveyed 211 companies for the report企业发展顾问公司为此报告调查了211家公司。[其他] 第三人称单数:surveys 复数:surveys 现在分词:surveying过去式:surveyed 过去分词:surveyed investigate 英[ɪnˈvestɪgeɪt] 美[ɪnˈvɛstɪˌɡet] vt. 调查; 研究; 审查; vi. 作调查; [例句]Gas officials are investigating the cause of an explosion which badly damaged a house in Hampshire煤气系统的官员正在调查一起瓦斯爆炸的起因,这起事故严重毁坏了汉普郡的一所房屋。

[其他] 第三人称单数:investigates 现在分词:investigating 过去式:investigated过去分词:investigated investigation 英[ɪnˌvestɪˈgeɪʃn] 美[ɪnˌvɛstɪˈɡeʃən] n. 侦查; (正式的) 调查,研究; 科学研究; 学术研究; [例句]We are making a thorough investigation我们正在进行彻底调查。






